Monday, February 22, 2016

More Time With Nana Kids & June Bug

                                                      December   2015

One day we got Lennox for the day because school was out for Christmas break. We took him golfing to entertain him for a while. He would jump off the cart and grab an iron, then follow Joe up to his ball.
Joe tried to help him with his swing the best he could.
He liked driving the cart the best. He sat in my lap and I would push the gas petal. I also had my hands on the wheel with him; as if he crashed and damage the cart, it would be at my expense.
It was fun watching him follow and imitate Joe. At about hole 5 or 6 he started to get bored with golfing and had more fun driving the cart.
On another day when we had the kids, we took them and grandma June Bug to the library. Maddie and Grandma June reading books in the fire truck.
Then Noah and Lennox had to ride the Library fire truck book booth.
After the library, grandma promised them ice cream at McDonald's.
When we went to Alisha's to drop off Noah and Maddie, Robin sat next to mom and decided to make friends with June Bug.
Robin is such a Lover Boy! He was putting the moves on grandma June.
Soon Noah decided he didn't like Robin getting all the love, and cuddled up to grandma. Robin didn't like sharing grandma much.
Maggie-May snoozing away like she always does.
Robin , is such a handsome boy.
Yet another day, when the weather was pretty nice, we took mom out on the golf course. I played a few holes, then mom decided to play a hole.
Bless her heart, she played the whole, hole. She said she did it in about 9 shots. At my count it was more like 20, but she didn't quit and gave it her best shot. After one hole, she was done for the day. If she had'nt, it would have been a very long day, because Joe had to wait forever before he could play also.

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