Thursday, August 25, 2016

July 2016 Part 2

                                                           July 2016
The trip back from Gulf Shores, AL was hard on little Mallery. As soon as we got through the weekend, I made another veterinary appointment. The video below, was what she was doing for the last few days none-stop off and on until she got wore down and would sleep. It was at times a howling, which we have never heard from her ever!

We had a half hour before her appointment, so we stopped at McDonald's for lunch in Petoskey. Mallery always knows we are at McDonald's, when we pull up to the drive through. She gets real excited. When she was young, I always gave her a few french fries. When she was diagnosed with pancreatitis at age 8, it was no more fries for her. But I still would give her a few bites of a plain hamburger. Fifteen minutes after a few bites of a hamburger the howling /crying started. I had been prepared for the worst, thinking the doctor was going to tell me it was time!

The doctor decided to do a ultrasound and said she was full of gas. No more hamburger for her, which had been her steady diet of turkey or chicken, or beef with veggies, and a starch. No more cottage cheese, creme cheese to wrap her supplements. No more peanut butter to wrap her supplements. No more yogurt or an occasional ice cream. The doctor diagnosed her with gall bladder problems. No more high fats for her. She was given prednisolone and another medicine to settle her stomach.

I left you in Part 1 with the bunk beds finished to this point.

We decided it would be best to put the mattresses on the first bunk before we assembly the 2nd bunk. In fact we decided to put the sheets on the bed too before putting the mattresses on the beds. The top bunk then was assembled in the very crowded small room. While assembling, we had to step between the slats. When the top bunk was assembled, we had to slide our big bodies between the slats (it being the hardest with Joe's big beer belly- he he!) and lift the bunk over our heads, then step between the bottom bunk slats and set the top on the bottom bed. Yes this project was a real puzzle to get accomplished!
Joe had long screws that had to be put in at angle because the beds were that close to the wall, and no room on any side to give him more space.
We had just enough room for a small 4 drawer dresser in the room also.
The bunk beds were new, the mattresses were new, and the pillows were new. A few sheets were new because I didn't have enough. I didn't have time to purchase cover/blankets, so I put the new beach towels I had bought, and called it finished. We had very hot weather when company came, so it didn't matter anyway, with one window, and no air conditioning in our home.
The room has low ceilings, so the kids have to watch their heads when in the bunks. I wanted to raise the ceilings in the two guest bedrooms, but it never got done. I am hoping it can be done in the future. Each bed had a chalk board name tag for each kid. We finished the bunk room just a couple days before our company arrived.

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