Monday, August 29, 2016

Simultaneous Road Trips

                                                             August 2, 2016
We headed north and crossed the Mackinac Bridge for the first time since we came exploring this area while still full Time Rvers.
View of the UP from the Mackinac Bridge.

 The ride across was much scarier in our "Nest" (or our motor home). Back then I was sitting up much higher and Joe drove the outside lane when we crossed. I insisted he drive the inside lane this time, so it would be less scary! This bridge is 5 miles long and I have a fear of driving across bridges anyway.
Back in the Upper Peninsula, since August 2013.
We never drove along Lake Michigan going west, so this was a new route and adventure for us, even if it is only in our new "Beast" (2010 Buick Enclave). The beaches at the top of Lake Michigan, looked to be really nice from the car at least. We saw tons of people at the beaches as we drove this route.
Meanwhile the Nana Kids were in route from Gulf Shores, AL, leaving 6 AM that morning. As we traveled, my daughter Tiffany, texted me pictures, and their locations. Thank goodness for McDonald's to keep the kids entertained. See video below!

And for the kid's mother's sake, thank goodness for tired kids.

One reason you leave early in the am I guess, besides putting in the miles.
After we got further on the west side of Lake Michigan, we stopped for a potty break for all three of us.
The beaches on the west side are nothing like the north and east side of Lake Michigan.
Thank goodness Mallery slept a lot too, because she is not the traveler she use to be, with many bathroom stops when she is a wake. My sister, Nancy had picked up my mom a week prior, as well as their granddaughter in Cincinnati. Her son, Dustin and grandson flew in from Florida, and they all spent  a week at a nearby lake resort. Video below shows my mom enjoying herself as well as my sister's grandson Bentley. The girls and Nana Kids made it to just across the south border of Indiana for the night.

We arrived at my sister Nancy and her husband Jim's home in Two Rivers, WI. after a 7 hour drive, of which was mostly a 2 lane highway. We enjoyed the evening with them as well as Dustin, Nancy's son and her grandchildren Kerissa and Bentley. Unfortunately, they were still in bed when we left so I didn't get a picture of those 3.
Mom left with us and we headed back around Lake Michigan to the Mackinac Bridge.

I was texting to the girls where we were, with google maps, while they told me where they were. The red dots on the map are of Boyne City and our home.
Tiffany, Blake, & Lennox were originally planning on flying to Boyne City. With Tiffany's leg accident, and then Blake's place of employment selling the business to new owners, Blake couldn't take his vacation until the end of August. With all the changes, Tiffany and Lennox rode with Alisha and her kids. Alisha won't fly, and hasn't for years. Tiffany found the ride a bit difficult on her leg. Somehow she got though the 18 1/2 hour drive.

The girls made good time, and on their 2nd day they crossed the Michigan border mid morning. I received this text, and I wondered if they were going to beat us home.
Luckily the kids were getting stir crazy and they made a stop for lunch giving us time to get back home about a half hour before they pulled into our drive.
It was a beautiful day to arrive at the lake.

Mom enjoying the shade while the kids swam. The water temperature reached 79.5 this summer with the extremely hot weather we were having.
Madalena found some bark from our birch tree and discovered a bracelet.
After swimming the kids and Alisha played a yard game while waiting for the rest of our family. And yes Alisha has some pants on, or should I say her swimsuit bottoms on! 
Late afternoon my niece Traci and her girls arrived from Florida after flying into Detroit and renting a car to Boyne City. My sister Karen took a train from Mt Pleasant, Iowa to Kalamazoo, MI., then rented a car to Boyne City. She ran into a few obstacles, and didn't arrive until 2AM that evening. 

To Be continued: Summer Fun With Family

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