Friday, November 18, 2016

Missed Pictures, The Red Mesa Grill, And More Random Pictures

                                                                August 5, 2016

Because I have an I Phone but a Windows computer they are not compatible. Since I got my phone, I have had to send my pictures from my phone to my email, then download them. When doing my blog, I have to go to my download and select them. When I grab Alisha's pictures from Facebook, I download those too. Sometimes the pictures don't download in the right order and are among a butch of old pictures. So then pictures get missed. Case in point: the above picture was taken on our evening at the "Uptown Saturday Night" in Boyne City. Wanted to post this picture because it was the only picture of all the kids together. (Noah 8, Falan 13, Madalena 5, Cairys 10, and Lennox 7). My sister Nancy didn't make it this year with her grandkids. If they had come, we would have had two more kids, Karrissa 10, and Bently 5.

Lennox and Noah are still young enough to like stuffed animals.

Maddie and Lennox playing with the dogs in the fenced in yard.

Tiffany had to spend much of her time icing her leg with the ice machine she brought with her. I was just glad she still got to come.

                                                           August 6, 2016

Another missed picture on the day we went to Harbor Springs. Cairys, Noah, mom, and my older sister Karen.

Our oldest granddaughter Hayleah (19) didn't make it either.With her being college age, we are lucky to see her, as she spends a lot of time in the summer with her dad, who lives in Minnesota. When she isn't at her dads or traveling with him and his family, she is working to save for college, or going to concerts with her friends. The week we were getting together she and a friend went to Minneapolis for a 3 day concert.

 We bought 3 yard games to keep the very active kids out of our small house.

August 7, 2016

One of the last nights together we went to the Red Mesa Grill in downtown Boyne City.

Because we all couldn't fit into one car, some of us arrived before others.

Joe was in rare form and decided to be the doorman for everyone that came to the restaurant.

He must have opened the door for at least 15 people. I was cracking up, as this just isn't Joe, to be funny. At one point he said he was disappointed because he had not got any tips yet! Ok, now I understood the motive.

Now that sounds more like Joe. I think he must have had a few  drinks before we got there, causing him to be less inhibited.

At last Traci and the rest of our crew arrived and Joe gave up his new job to go and eat.
The gang at the Red Mesa Grill.
Of course you got to have the margaritas.
The Red Mesa Grill is one of the most popular restaurants in Boyne City.

Tiffany and her son Lennox.

Traci and her girls.


Mom and Joe
After dinner at the Red Mesa, most of us played a game of croquet.

Papa shows them the ropes.

Noah is always barefoot.

Note all the beach towels on the deck rails. Next year we hope to get a clothes line of sort.
Maddie was up for her turn.

Of course we have to have some drama when little ones screw up!
Joe and I were really surprised the kids lasted for the whole game, as it took a long time, when everyone kept missing the wickets.

 They were all pros for playing this game for the first time, except Lennox who played the previous summer with us.
Madalena found the color book I had bought a years earlier and had forgot to give her. I put it on the shelve next to her bunk. She loves to color and paint.
We had the best weather while the family was here. No rain and 80 to 90 degree days. The water temperature reached 79 degrees the day they arrive also.
More random pictures I missed the previous blogs.(Selfie by Tiffany).
Tiffany didn't think she would be able to get into the boat, because she still could not bend her knee completely. But when there is a will, there is a way!
Mom and her great granddaughter Madalena.
Someone took this picture of Nana. I posted it because someday I'll think, "I wish I still looked that good", even though today I don't. You know how that goes!
On the last full day we took a few people out for a last boat ride. We crossed the lake to Young State Park Beach,

and jumped in to cool off.

A picture I captured during the week while the kids were going out to ride Big Mable.
Tiffany enjoying the shade on our lakeside yard during the week.


  1. Mom I can't wait to come back next summer, we had such a great time! I also cannot wait to see you in a couple of weeks! LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Alisha, I am so glad you and the kids got to our place this summer. I am hoping Jamie and Hayleah can come next year. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and see you soon. Love you all! Mom
