Friday, January 20, 2017

Company Leave, But mom Stays

                                                              August 10, 2016

 I know it has been months since I last blog, but life got busy and boy do I have a lot to get caught up. I left off with my family visiting us for a week. I will continue from there.

Everyone got up and left very early in the morning before sunrise. My sister drove to Grand Rapids to catch a train (which she missed), my niece and her girls drove to Detroit to catch a flight, and my girls and grand kids headed for the long drive to Gulf Shores, AL. Mom was the only one staying for another 10 days. We had beautiful weather while they were here.
The hot weather continued the next day. Joe and I sat in our 4 seater floater to cool off,

as it was 88 degrees that day.

I watched the weather as the day went on with the girls running into rain.

We noticed shortly after everyone left, more bees flying into our eves.
Joe caulked it, hoping they would go away.

As the day went by, the girls sent me pictures and updates of their whereabouts.

I was glad when they finally arrived in Nashville for the night.

The next day Joe, Mom and I had to find ways to entertain our selves, with everyone gone. I got the hula hoop out and tried to do it out in our front yard. It is much harder than you think when you get older. After doing much better than what was to follow, with lots of laughs at me, I got movies of Joe and mom.

I had booked Mom's flight later because she had mentioned she would like to go to Macinac Island while with us this summer. The drive from our home is about an hour north. At the parking lot we jumped the train to the water.

We still had our sweet Mallery with us, so she got to go too.

Mom forgot her hat, so she borrowed my old gardening hat for the day.
Once off the train, we had to wait for the ferry to make our final trek to the island.
If you have your bikes, bring them, it is much cheaper than renting on the island.
The ride over to the island is about 20 minutes. We sat down below, rather than up above.

Once on the island we were all hungry, so we asked what restaurants allow dogs. The walk was not too far, but when you have an 89 year old with you, it was a very long walk, not to mention a giant steep hill. Lunch was nice with lots of much needed shade.

After lunch, it was a walk back down the steep hill and back to the town area on a hot day.

The many bikes that have been rented that day, parked so the riders could do some shopping.

I could tell there was no more energy for walking in my Mom, so I paid for her and my fare for a horse and buggy ride.

Once at the top, there were a few places to walk to see, but Mom stayed back at the shopping area, while Joe and I walked to the horse stables.

Which is also a museum of old carriages.

I forgot to mention to those who might not know, there are no cars on the island. All forms of transportation is horse and buggy, bikes, and walking.

Carriage Museum

From the museum their is a view of Lake Huron.

As we walked back toward mom, we walked past a butterfly conservatory, which we did not visit.

When we bring the kids, I am sure we will visit it.

Mallery did so well on this day trip.

 You never would have known how sick she was. (Prednisone is a wonder treatment, at least for a while).

The carriage ride was long and boring through much of the island woods. All of us got bored including Mallery. Our carriage driver tried to keep us entertained with lots of jokes and stories, but in the end, Mallery gave a loud bark, which we think meant, "Enough already" That got the carriage drivers attention with everyone laughing.
A bike ride up on these trails would be my next  route of transportation.

We went past cemeteries with many long ago stories.
Can't blame Mallery for not liking her ride. Not much of a view from her stand point!.

At our second stop we were told we had 10 minutes to use the bathroom and to check out the view. I had mom, Mallery and myself who all needed to use the bathroom. By the time the three of us got done taking care of business, I noticed everyone heading back to the carriages. Joe was already back in his seat, and Mom headed back there too. I gave Joe Mallery, and ran to the viewing spot.

I took this picture,

and this one of  3 boats below and ran back to the carriage. As I  approached the carriage, the drive teased me saying, "Come on Diane, you almost got left"! I thought, how about shortening the route and lengthening the potty and viewing stop a bit more. (The best part of the whole ride was Arch Rock).

At top of the hill, we were all told we could hop out and walk down the hill or continue the ride which would be much longer getting back.
We chose to hop out and walk down the hill, which in the end, was a mistake, as it was a lot of work for Mom going down a  steep hill again, though the views were well worth the effort. After getting back down the hill, we stopped at an ice cream shop, and stopped at one of many fudge shops for fudge to go.

It was time to hop onto one of the last ferries to get back to the mainland of Northern Michigan.
Later that week, I painted the 3 colors we had chose for the outside of our house. A yellow, cream, or light grey. What do you like best? We got everyone's opinion, with the yellow winning out by far. I originally was all for yellow, but near the end, starting to lean toward the grey. I was out numbered  yellow was the final decision. Up coming pictures in future blogs.

While mom was still with us, We took her to Deer Lake,

and Boyne Mountain, wishing it was fall so she could see the true beauty during that season. My mom loves trees year round.

The bees continued, so an exterminator was called. Not bees this time, but yellow jacket wasps. I didn't feel bad with the exterminator spraying this time. 

Mom stayed with us another week and enjoyed lunch on the deck.

and afternoons under the awning.

Lastly we took Mom to Bay Harbor so she could see how the wealthy live and their very expensive shops.
Here was a sail boat we saw one afternoon from our deck.

After 17 days with us, Mom was ready to go back to her routine so we took her an hour away to Traverse City to catch her flight to Iowa. Unfortunately storms were in the area and her flight was cancelled. She could not get another flight for 3 days. We had not left Traverse City, because we were doing some shopping in the big city (of about 15,000 people). When you are from a town of 3,000, the town of Traverse City is the biggest around. Mom called and we went back and got her.

The wasps were getting in our house, even though they were half dead. We were finding them all over the floor. We were all nervous about stepping barefoot on them so we all wore shoes, especially at night when having to use the bathroom in the dark.

One evening Mallery stepped on one. At first I didn't know what was wrong with her, but soon I found a half dead one on her leg and brushed it off. You can read more what happened and how we took care of Mallery in another blog  :

The grandkids got back to Alabama just in time to started school mid August.
Mom never went boating with us when the whole family was here. She said she had already been the year before. With everyone gone we wanted to go out with the weather being so nice. Mom really didn't like trying to get into the boat. She said it was too much trouble. Not wanting to leave her behind, we talked her into it. Her knees don't bend like they use to with her knee replacements and she needs a lot of help getting in. Once in, she enjoyed herself.

It was a beautiful calm and quiet day on the lake.
The lake become so peaceful at the end of August with most summer seasonal's going back home and get ready for school.

Mom's second and successful flight back to Iowa.
We had Mallery on Prednisone the entire time the family was with us during August. She did extremely well, sleeping and staying home with our short outings. She was eating more crackers than I liked and not as many of her regular meals, but she was eating.  But as soon as everyone left things went from good to bad.


  1. Hi Diane good to her from you guys!Glad to see you had a good visit with your Mom. She looks wonderful for her age. Wish you would of posted a video of you trying the Hula Hoop too! I still think often of Mallery and the special bond you shared with her. My good friend's nineteen year old Cat passed away last week. It made me think deeply about when my fur babies had passed and Mallery and how horrible the pain is. I told my friend she is part of a small club. You see I believe most people love their Pets and some of those people consider their Pets a Family member but very few of us consider a Pet our BEST FRIEND. You have said Mallery was your best girlfriend and in my case my Hubby's job took him away from home a lot so my Dog was my best friend and in my friend's case she has never been lucky with love. Men have come and gone many times for her. What we women all had in common is our Pets were the constant companion in our lives. They were full of unconditional love. Always there, Always needed and Always loving and oh so comforting. She is having a hard time but is starting to have better days. With Gods Grace and time we go on.Could you maybe say a prayer for her? Her name is Jody and her Cats name was Jack. Sorry to ramble on so, it's just that I know you can relate. Anyway as always I enjoy your posts. When are you going to post photos of your new kitchen? Take care Leslie

    1. Hi Leslie, Sorry I missed your comment. Blogger has change a few things, making the set up a bit different and not seeing the comments as easily.Unfortunately my husband and mom are electronic challenged so neither of them know how to use my phone let alone the video.He he! Tell your friend Jody, I am so sorry for her loss. I really feel her pain. When you are in the club of calling your pet your "Best Friend", it can take a long time to get over your loss, if ever. I still tear up when ever I think of Mallery, and have heard some people say you never really get over missing them. I agree with you that certain pet/owner bonds are extremely strong that really cant be compared to any human person. People are people with their flaws, but animals are gifts from God. I think he knew we needed unconditional Love like Jesus gives us.I love that Jody and Jack even sound like a perfect match. I will add Jody into my prayers because I know the loss she has and will feel for a while. The only thing that give me joy is knowing Mallery and all pets that go to heaven, is they no longer feel pain and are free to run, see and be happy again. Take care and thanks for sharing about your friend.
