Sunday, March 12, 2017

Last Days In Boyne City 2016

                                                            October 29, 2016

No more dock, no more shore station, no more boating!
Joe watching TV in his garage/soon to be small but nice man cave. Joe had started to demo some things in the garage.

One of our neighbors had invited us to join her and her husband, and her husband's sister and husband at a new restaurant in town, "7 Monks". Sorry the picture is so bad, the lighting was low in the entryway.
We met Robbi  (in front row, across from Joe) as she was walking down the street. I heard a "Hey I like your house in yellow" as I was sweeping our deck. I looked up and yelled back, " Thank you". Then it dawned on me, I needed to put my broom down and walked down the front yard to the fence and introduce myself. I can get so intense in what I am doing, that I forget to be polite. After talking to her for a few minute, we found out she and her husband lived just down the street in another yellow house. She was headed home to go kayaking and asked if I would like to go too. I jumped at the chance and told her I would be down to her house in 10 minutes! It was a beautiful calm evening, perfect to explore our lake. Sometimes it pays to be spontaneous.

By the 1st of November, our trees on the lake were turning their beautiful golden yellow. I love watching them turn this brilliant, before they drop their leaves.
Joe and I never do the fire camp thing,
except when someone invites us over.

Our part time next door neighbors were up for the weekend, and Larry is an excellent fire builder.
The next day we did another hike at Avalanche Mountain.

A lot of leaves cover the trail!
Part of the trail is very hilly. It's hard to photograph hills, but I am at the top and Joe is way at the bottom of this hill.

                                                   November 8, 2016

We couldn't leave Michigan until we had voted for our new President! Especially being first time Michigan voters.

After the election, Robbie was back to her lake property on a sewing marathon with her sister Sue. She invited us over for a victory celebration. Here Joe and her Sue held up the quilt, Sue had been working on for a while. There were 14 Michigan lighthouses and the Mighty Mackinaw Bridge. Joe and I were really impressed with her quilt!
The rest of the month of November was spent shopping for bathroom sinks, lights, flooring, and etc. Haven't we done this before!
Joe did some of the mudroom and airplane (small) bathroom demo. Here you can see just how small the bathroom was, with the wall and door removed. He also removed a closet to make the bathroom larger.
Joe took off all the trim to try to save us some money. He would have done more, but he was unsure what needed to be left.

A few days before we headed south, Tom showed up to do the rest of the demo.

The new window was completed in the cabin section of our home, All we need now is a light to be installed above the game table.

Have you ever seen black squirrels? I had never seen them until we moved to Michigan.

On November 20, we woke up to a few snow flakes.
By that evening, we had our first snow fall.

Joe went out to do his favorite thing. Later he came in and told me he had fallen on the ice. I asked him why he had not put on the ice grippers I had bought him many years prior and had saved in case we had a home in snow again someday.

Joe suffered with side and arm pain for 2 1/2 months after that fall. He said he will put those gripper on from now on.

The garage door in Joe's man cave has window and wall now. We cover the furniture before it's time to go.

The maple and bitch trees have lost all their leave. The weeping willow is the last to drop it's leaves.
On November 29, we headed south for Gulf Shores, Alabama I felt very sad leaving my Mallery. This was our first road trip without her.

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