Saturday, October 7, 2017

Family Time On Lake Charlevoix Part 2

                                                                  August 8, 2017
I left you in the last blog, with our family (on my side), arrived from Gulf Shores, AL and Iowa for a week of summer fun on Lake Charlevoix.
Some pictures that Alisha took above and below. I like to put symbols by our guests name. I am not an artist, so my symbols are very rudimentary. Jamie works for an airline manufacture in Mobile, AL. and Alisha loves the ocean, hence waves.
June Bug mom, Blake a realtor, and Tiffany my sunshine!
The mudroom wall I finally got done a week or so before the family arrived. Our grand kids- Hayleah (20), Noah (9), Lennox (8), and Madalena (6).

When the family was not on the water, the kids (Madalena in this picture) were building forts in their bunk beds. (One of my favorite things to do too, at my grandmother Freeman's home on Clear Lake in Iowa as a kid.
Our neighbor Mindy had two of her grandsons up and they were playing with our kids. This is Colton who is 4. (Colton is a big 4 year old and Maddie is a small 6 year old, so the played well together).
The next day it was lake time again.  This is the first time in my life to see my mom in a swimsuit, even though she had capri's on. She has always hated her knees. She say's they are too big. I think she is finally coming out of her shell at 90! Good for you mom.

Blake and Tiffany enjoying the kayaks again.

Blake left Tiffany behind. Alisha and Tiffany went out once too.

Jamie and Hayleah going for a spin on the wave runner. Alisha drove it on her own with Maddie behind her, and Blake took Tiff behind him.
Mom got hot and decided to venture into the water. She never would have got in, if I didn't have the staircase.
Once she got to the bottom of the stairs and felt how cold it was (it is a shocker at first) and how rocky the bottom of shoreline was, she decide she had cooled off enough and was ready to get back out.
That evening after dinner, it was time for the annual game of croquet.
Mom is in second to last place, just ahead of Maddie. Both are good sports about being in last place. After all, someone has to be last, and it's not who wins or loses but having fun. Right!
Jacob and Colton (my neighbors grandsons) came over when the game was half over and watched. I think they were thinking, "I wish I could play"
And of course we have Noah doing his annual melt down because he didn't win, even though he came in second behind Blake! He is quite competitive.
The kids enjoyed the red neck tether ball Joe made for the kids. A tether ball floated up on our shore, so Joe went out and bought a PCV pipe and rigged  up a pole.
Blake is our fisherman. The first year he came, he took out our row boat and tried his hand at fishing. This year Joe bought a trolling motor for the row boat. Tiff and Blake took it out, while Blake fished and Tiff took pictures.
Tiffany and Blake after their row boat trolling fishing excursion.
Almost every night you could find Blake out on the patio dock fishing.
He did catch a few whoppers! But being the big fisherman that he is, he let them go. 
To be continued:

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