Sunday, October 15, 2017

Family Time On Lake Charlevoix Part 3

                                                                     August 9, 2017

We continued to have beautiful weather with sun, calm waters, and temperatures in the 70"s. I was grateful for this weather, but just wish it had been in low 80's making the water more appealing!
That evening Joe and I took the family out for dinner to the Tap Room. We gave the adult kids  menu's from all the area restaurants, and they voted for this place.
It is very hard to get mom to smile for pictures, so I am glad I got at least a look without her covering up her mouth, like she usually does. She doesn't like her smile either. (Or her knees as I posted in the previous blog).
I bought everyone their first drink and horderves. Alisha and Jamie. (our oldest daughter and her husband).
Tiffany and Blake (our youngest daughter and her husband Blake).
Our oldest granddaughter Hayleah Grace.
Our oldest grandson Noah James. (He is another one that is hard to get a picture of without making a funny face. It's best to just take one of him, when he doesn't know it).
Our youngest grandson Lennox James and granddaughter Madalena June.
Grandpa Joe splurged and bought everyone their meals. (Which if you know Joe, is a big deal. He is very conservative with his money with himself and others). Thanks Joe and papa for sharing with us all. We appreciate it! (Papa Joe with his grandson Lennox).
The next day I treated our grand kids (Noah, Lennox, Hayleah, and Madalena) to the inside water park that is located 10 miles from our home in Boyne Falls.
Tiffany took this picture with the name of the water park on the picture so I threw it in. (I am not as tech savvy as she is)!
Of course everyone need a hug from Fritz the Avalanche Bay mascot.
Tiffany and Blake also went with the kids and the rest of us sat and watched.
There are 6 big water slides at the indoor park including the newest one with a trap door that opens and  drops you at a 10 degree angle down a 30 foot vertical slide at speeds of 25mph called "The Big Couloir". I believe Blake was the only brave one to do that water slide. Here Lennox and Noah just came out of the Vertico Toilet Bowl.
Noah and Lennox coming down 2 of the slides at the same time.

Hayleah went down most slides with Madalena, being a sweet big sister she is!
Of course there are kiddie pools with a lot of water guns, bucket drops and little water slides. Noah being the character he is, stood in front of the bucket drop and almost lost his trunks a few times. On purpose of course!
All the kids and Tiff and Blake did the racing slide. The bigger you are, the faster you go and the winning lane is announced electronically.  Naturally Blake won the race in the adult category! Below are 4 video's of times at the park. The first one was very short with Lennox on the Flow Ride. The second video is of Blake on the Flow Ride. The idea is too be able to stay on the surf. This only comes from practice.This was both Lennox and Blake's first try. I should have videoed a practiced rider. I saw one video of a man completely losing his trunks. The lifeguard had to retrieve them and hold a board up in front of him to get redressed. Then the next is with Maddie. The last is of the little ones on the Race Slide.

There is also a video arcade, snack bar, and adult beverage bar.

 That evening the kids wanted to go to the Red Mesa, a very popular restaurant in Boyne City, before they left. (They had been there in previous years and they were leaving the next morning). Mom, Joe and I stayed home and ate left overs.
The family got up around 3 or 4AM and left for Gulf Shores, AL., while we were sleeping. We woke up to pictures that Hayleah had taken with her polaroid camera and this note she directed the younger ones to write:
Of course my eyes welled up with tears as I read this note and had to laugh at Lennox's last remark. 

Noah had got in trouble earlier for not eating any of his dinner, so I guess he finally ate enough to get cake during picture time.

I didn't know that the chocolate cake was such a big hit with Lennox, until I read it in the above note. So glad for the note so next time we can make sure we have another chocolate cake!

I think maybe Madalena took the picture of Hayleah below as she has a interest in taking pictures lately.

Thank you Hayleah for being the thoughtful and beautiful granddaughter that you are. I guess you learned that from your Great grandmother June. (She writes thank you notes for everything)! We were so "Blessed" when God chose us as your grandparents. Joe and I have very fond memories with our grand parents at their lake homes in our younger years. We enjoy seeing our grandchildren getting to live what was so special to us, hoping they too will have life long memories of family time at the "Lake Nest" on Lake Charlevoix!

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