Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Castle View RV Resort, Branson West, MO.


                          Wednesday 7/3/2013

My youngest daughter Tiffany is always asking me why I don't go by grandma, like most grandma's do. While we were shopping in Eureka Springs, AR. in one of there many shops, Joe spotted this sign. I had to get it so I finally had an answer for my daughter. I found a special place in our Nest to remind me why I am a Nana, instead of a grandma!

We left Omaha, Arkansas and headed north on Hwy 65.

We took I-465 north of Branson, MO. to the west.

The highway split into 2 roads on this hilly rocky terrain. We took the high road and other people took the low rode.

Hwy 465 ended west of Branson,and we jumped onto Hwy. 76. to Branson West. Branson West has a population of 408, so it is pretty small. We never did make it to Silver Dollar City, because we heard it cost $50 each, and we are not into rides or shows. I guess it also has crafts which I like, but with all our travels I can see crafts without paying $100.

On the west side of Branson West we took Road DD at the castle towers. After a mile or so we came to the second set of castle towers.

As we continued down road DD, we saw this castle and views of Table Rock Lake.

As we continued down road DD, we got an even better view of the lake.

There was a sign telling RVs to go in the back entrance, so we continued past the main entrance to this entrance.

As we drove into the park, we saw another castle which is their / laundry/ bathhouse/ office.

We made reservations months ahead since we knew we would be coming in on the day before the fourth, but the park was full so we got a spot in the desert area- rocks and no trees. That's OK because Joe does not like trees messing up his roof and satellite TV signal. Personally I like being under trees for the shade, as long as there are no storm warnings out.

View of the pool from our front window.

As you know, we are not pool people, but I like to show the facilities for those interested in visiting this resort. It is a private resort, but is open to coast to coast members which we are.

There were 4th of July activities scheduled for the weekend.

As we walked around the resort after setting up, we got a view of the castle on the hill, hence the name of the park, "Castle View RV Resort.
That evening, we got a knock on our door, and when I opened it, two young girls handed me two baggies of home made cookies, and some 4th of July decorations with invitations to the next day parade. The girls jumped on the golf cart to deliver more cookies and invitations.

The next morning on the 4th, we watched people gather along the main road in the park for the 10 AM parade.

We had a great view out our front window, so we didn't need to drag our chairs to the road. The only thing we missed was the candy that was thrown to the crowds.

The young girls in the campground got to be princess on the back of convertibles.

This was our pick for the most decorated golf cart in the parade.

Dogs, adults, and children got in the parade also.

Even a man in a wheel chair with his dog joined in. The kids really enjoyed the private parade. The parade route was so short, that it went passed us 3 times on the resort loop. 

After the parade, Joe and I took a walk around the resort. We found an inside pool, another laundry room, and a very small weight lifting room.

We then took a road that was inside the resort up this very steep hill, and found ourselves at the backside of the castle.

Front view of the castle.
We found out later that a man originally bought all this land, and planned on putting in a campground, condo's and a golf course.This building was the sales office. It is now condemned due to water damage. 

We walked to the back of the castle to enjoy the lake views. Now this would be a perfect piece of land to build a home on.

Back view of the castle.

More of back view of castle. The man who was developing this land went bankrupt.

The back patio was damaged from under mining water.
The already members got the property out of bankruptcy and the property is now paid for. It costs $800 to join, and then  they pay $250 a year for 32 days  for a year. If the members want to stay longer, they pay $4.00 a day there after.

We walked back down the steep hill, then through the resort, and then out the back entrance. Down another steep hill for about a 1/4 of a mile we came to Table Rock Lake. The boat slips used to be owned by the resort, but was sold off. I am sure if you have a membership here, you could rent a slip though, from who ever owns it now.

Most of the members just store their boats in the storage area of the resort for $120 a year.
We stayed through our coast to coast membership, but most people staying in this resort are members to this resort. We were told most everyone knows everyone, and it is just one big happy family.


  1. Oh, this looks like it was a very nice place to camp! Love the parade and it sounds like folks were friendly! We've just gotten a teeny little RV and are beginning to take short trips until we really learn what all we need to know. We do want to go to Brandon one day! I'm following your blog and have a little blog started about our adventures.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. I know you will enjoy your home away from home. During the first 6 months, we had a lot of situations that forced us to learn certain things fast! Have fun!

  3. I am requesting permission to reprint your beautiful picture of the Highway 465 in my newspaper I print for seniors. It is distributed to seniors in the senior centers in southwest Missouri. I have no budget to pay for the photo but can give you lots and lots of credit. Thanks for your consideration, Bruce Menzies, or 417 838-3972
