We stopped into a sport store to get Joe a new fish cleaning knife, so he can clean fish himself. While in the store I saw these fishing lures. These guys up here take fishing seriously. Look at the size of these lures! That is my hand holding the lure.
Also while in the store I saw this bear up above. I ask the store clerk if that bear was real. He said yes, and it had been shot 4 miles from the store, two years ago. We were in Eagle River which was 10 miles from our campground. I had been hearing from fellow campers that people had see bears around here.
Another beautiful sunset from our nest.
We decided to go fishing off the bridge again. Today was just like the other day of fishing except off the bridge, and bluegill. Every time we threw in our lines, we caught a fish. This time, Joe was very busy, because he had to bait his and my line and take off all the fish. We caught 1 small perch and 12 bluegill = 13 fish, in less than a hour. Joe cleaned these with his new knife. A little small, but good practice for Joe and fish for dinner again. We are blessed!
Sign at the dam with pictures of old & new boat lift.
Boat starting to come up.
Boat over the road.
Almost over road.
Boat on the other side of Dam. Time to get into the boat.
While watching the boats, I see this tree fungus.
Almost over.
Time to climb aboard.
We just happened to be here when they were having their second annual boat races.
It was held up by rain in the morning, but by the afternoon the races got started.
Lots of boats.
One of the boats.
More boats.
A seaplane also took off.
A snow mobile took off on the grass and raced across and around on the water. Yes it is a snow mobile.
Oh no his engine died & the snow mobile sank!
And drive the boat to shore, while we pull it behind the boat. Finally on the shore again.
Snow mobile on boat and being taken to grassy take off to try again.
Planes were taking off from the small grassy airplane runway next to our campground, and flying side by side.
Airplane runway next to our campground. You can see our Best Nest between the trees.
The winner clocked at 94 miles per hour!
Joe goes fishing one more time, while I stay at home to work on computer.
His biggest fish for the day- Large mouth bass. He says we've got enough fish to pay for his fishing license. ( he bought a Wisconsin season pass)
Our family used to vacation at Big Sand Lake in the 1970's to 2003. I guess the resort is no longer there. Where is the Big Sand Lake photo from? Near the old resort, (Wagners), or another place on the lake? If you have any more photos please share. We miss BSL.